XPathNodeIterator GetInfo (string imageFilePath)
Gets image information of file path: 'imageFilePath'.
void MapPDFLinks (object fileTable, string fileToFix, string fileToWrite, string originalFilePath, string outputFilePath, bool useAbsPath)
Map PDF links.
bool MergePDFs (object sourceFileList, string targetFilePath)
This merges a set of PDFs and/or PostScript files into one PDF.
bool MergePDFs (object sourceFileList, object fileTable, string targetFilePath)
This merges a set of PDFs and/or PostScript files into one PDF.
bool PostScriptToPDF (string postScriptFilePath, string pdfJobSettings, string pdfFilePath)
Convert the specified PostScript file to a PDF.
XPathNodeIterator RasterizePostScript (string postScriptFilePath, int renderHorizontalDPI, int renderVerticalDPI, int renderWidth, int renderHeight, string targetImageFormatAsString, int targetImageColorDepth, bool targetImageGrayscale, bool targetImageTransparent, bool targetImageInterlaced, int targetImageQuality, string targetFilePath)
Render a PostScript file to a known image format such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
XPathNodeIterator Transform (string inputImageFilePath, string outputImageFormat, int outputImageWidth, int outputImageHeight, string outputImageFilePath)
Create a new version of an image with a different format or with different dimensions.
XPathNodeIterator Transform (string inputImageFilePath, string outputImageFormatAsString, int Choice_outputImageQuality_outputImageWidth, int Choice_outputImageWidth_outputImageHeight, string Choice_outputImageHeight_outputImageFilePath, string Choice_outputImageFilePath_outputResolution)
Create a new version of an image with a different format or with different dimensions.
XPathNodeIterator Transform (string inputImageFilePath, string outputImageFormatAsString, int outputImageQuality, int outputImageWidth, int outputImageHeight, string outputImageFilePath, int outputResolution)
Create a new version of an image with a different format or with different dimensions.
Detailed Description
Enable processing of images within XSL transforms.
Returns information about a particular image file, including width and height, image format, bit-depth, path on system, etc.
<wwimageinfo:ImageInfo format="jpeg" width="200" height="300" bitdepth="32" grayscale="false" path="C:\\image.jpg" />
Member Function Documentation
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Last modified date: 10/14/2020