Designing Stationery » Customizing WebWorks Help » Customizing the Navigation Pane in WebWorks Help » Setting the Initial Width of the WebWorks Help Navigation Pane
Setting the Initial Width of the WebWorks Help Navigation Pane
The navigation pane provides the Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites tabs. When the WebWorks Help opens, the initial width of the navigation pane is 300 pixels by default. You can override the wwhelp.htm file to define the initial width of the navigation pane.
To set the initial width of the navigation pane
1. In your Stationery design project, on the View menu, click Project Directory. For more information about override files and locations, see Stationery, Projects, and Overrides.
2. If you want to override the initial width for all WebWorks Help targets, create the Formats\WebWorks Help 5.0\Files\wwhelp\wwhimpl\js\html folder in your projectname folder, where projectname is the name of your ePublisher project.
3. If you want to override the initial width for one WebWorks Help target, create the Targets\WebWorks Help 5.0\Files\wwhelp\wwhimpl\js\html folder in your projectname folder, where projectname is the name of your ePublisher project.
4. Copy the wwhelp.htm file from the following folder to the html override folder you created within your project folder:
Program Files\WebWorks\ePublisher Designer\Formats\WebWorks Help 5.0\ Files\wwhelp\wwhimpl\js\html
5. Open the wwhelp.htm file you copied to your project override folder.
6. Find the following line of code and modify the 300 to be the number of pixels wide you want the navigation pane to use as its initial width.
<frameset cols="300,*" onLoad ...
7. Save and close the wwhelp.htm file.
8. Regenerate your project to review the changes.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021