WebWorks Reverb 2.0 Target Settings
The complete reference of WebWorks Reverb 2.0 Settings.
Format Setting
Browser Tab Icon (favicon)
Specifies a .png .ico or .jpg file to use as the Browser Tab Icon (favicon) for the Reverb 2.0 help set.
Display large images in lightbox
When a thumbnail is used for an image, the full size version of the image can be viewed by clicking the image which is then displayed in a lightbox. When disabled the image displays in a separate file.
Enable Print Icon
Enables/disables the print icon in generated pages
Entry Filename
Specifies the name of the Reverb entry-point file name (default is “index.html”)
Feedback Email
Defines the feedback email address for use in generated pages
Feedback Email Message
Defines the contents of the feedback email subject line and body section. Use $Location; to insert the URL of the current page
Specifies an alternate plugin file to use for changing the look-and-feel of the Reverb skin.
Use first document as splash page
Determines initial page displayed
WebWorks Help API Compatibility
Enables/disables compatability with the WebWorks Help API allowing Reverb to replace existing implementations of WebWorks Help while using the same API.
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Last modified date: 11/29/2022