Focus, Focus, Focus

Quarterly Challenges and Choices at WebWorks

by Ben Allums
January 27, 2010

It never fails. We ship the quarterly ePublisher release and the challenge begins anew:

What are we going to ship THIS quarter?

Marketing is analyzing, Sales is requesting, and Support is demanding. And on the other side of those groups are our customers. Some, we will delight. Others will curse our names, shocked to find that we have chosen a challenge other than the one they face. The choices are never easy even when the strategy is clear:

All we have to do is choose wisely.

Here's a summary of what's on our plate:

  • Enable per Target settings in the Style Designer
  • META data and keyword marker support (for formats other than WebWorks Help 5.0)
  • PDF library update
  • Research environment specific issues affecting PDF production
  • Work-arounds for FrameMaker instabilities
  • Windows 7 certification

And then there's the list of things that COULD be on our plate:

  • DITA Open Toolkit 1.5 integration
  • XSL-FO processor alternative to Apache FOP
  • Ignore files extension list (for Stationery creation, file copies, etc.) to avoid version control issues
  • Conditional Expression Builder UI for FrameMaker 8, 9 users
  • RoboHelp migration path
  • WebWorks Help replacement (faster loading, cleaner design)
  • Support for custom index markers
  • Wiki projects
  • ...

What would you choose?

Further Reading