We've migrated a large portion of our legacy licensing information into the new system. We should be sending out the first batch of upgrade notifications tomorrow.
A couple of notes...
You will receive a single license contract ID. Enter this into the 2009.1 license info dialog along with an email and computer name of your choice.
ePublisher will automatically download the necessary license keys for your product on demand.
By default, keys are issued for 30 days and refreshed after 15 days. If you are offline during this time, ePublisher will continue to operate normally.
The email and computer name specified in step #1 are primarily to assist us in troubleshooting any license key retrieval issues.
Finally, we will send you a description of the capabilities enabled on a given license contract, including the number of seats, products, and supported inputs. If you discover any errors or omissions, we will include instructions for you to contact your Sales rep. Customer Service may be of assistance as well.
One more thing. Certain legacy accounts are failing our automated migration. Therefore, those accounts will see a delay, into the end of this week, as we manually review and migrate those license assets.